Monday, March 29, 2010


Have you ever had the type of friend who loves you no matter what?  I am lucky to have such a friend.   Lori is going through alot in her life  her husband  has ALS.   Its funny how when I am with her my faults are funny and I am not insecure about them...she makes me feel good about them... Her days are filled with taking care of her husband and her children, yet in the midst of all this she asked me what she could give to my 4loveofpink.  She bought me enough gum for 20 baskets for the womens shelter! Even though this is a a difficult season in her life she is  always  there with a warm hug, a cup of coffee and laughter.   I am a better person because of Lori.......I look forward to many more years of friendship....

1 comment:

Eric, Lori, Zach and Maddie Fox said...

Hey Kelly,
I went to check out your blog and then I see an entry about me. How humbling! You made my night. Thanks for your friendship! I love you!!
Have a great trip!
I love what you have done, you are such a caring person and this will bless many lives!